The inspiration13 [Article] Kakao suspends online comments for entertainment articles after Sulli's death South Korea's major internet company Kakao siad Friday that it would prevent users from posting malicious comments on its entertainment news articles, pledging also to overhaul its search engine functionalities to address cyberbullying. During a press conference at its headquarters in Pangyo, Gyeonggi Province, Kakao's co-chiefs Yeo Min-soo and Joh Su-young said the company would suspend its onl.. 2019. 10. 31. [Transcription] Can Instagram Be Your Therapist? 출처: Can Instagram Be Your Therapist? Instagram therapy can be as futile or as useful as reading self-help books. But just like everything new on the internet, Instagram therapy has a good and a bad side. Online therapy has been around since some time now. And while the divided groups of psychologists and psychiatrists.. 2019. 10. 29. [Transcription]The Job-Jumping Generation: Mistakes Millennials Are Making When Changing Jobs The millennial generation is unique in many ways: raised with advanced technology, everyting is documented on social media and the avocado market has never been stronger. But one major way that millenials are changing society is in the job market. There is a new trend of free agency among young professionals, meaning they don't view themselves as a member of one company for the duration of their.. 2019. 10. 28. [도서리스트] 2019.10.27~ 2019 연말까지 읽고싶은 책 list 인간본성의 법칙 전체를 보는방법 파이어족이 온다. 나는 울 때마다 엄마의 얼굴이 된다. ( 2019.10.27 완독) 이슬아 수필집 82년생 김지영(다시) 흔적과 신호 여자로 살아가는 우리들에게 아무튼, 요가 (2019.10.31 완독) 해커와 화가 프로그래머의 길 멘토에게 묻다 2019. 10. 27. 2019.10.26 아르투어 쇼펜하우어 뜻밖에 아주 야비하고 어이없는 일을 당하더라도 그것 때문에 괴로워하거나 짜증내지 마라. 그냥 지식이 하나 늘었다고 생각하라. 인간의 성격을 공부해가던 중에 고려해야 할 요소가 새로 하나 나타난 것 뿐이다. 우여히 아주 특이한 광물 표본을 손에 넣은 광물학자와 같은 태도를 취하라. _아르투어 쇼펜하우어 2019. 10. 26. [transcription] NASA Astronauts Complete the First All-Female Spacewalk-1 URL: NASA Astronauts Complete the First All-Female Spacewalk Jessica Meir and Christina Koch ventured outside the International Space Station on Friday to replace a power controller. Jessica Meir and Christina K.. 2019. 10. 25. 이전 1 2 다음